Ocean Front Bar & Grill was originally known as Ocean Front Tavern. In 1935, there was a beer garden built over the beach on a wooden patio which was removed in 1940 to make way for a new 12-foot wide concrete walkway. The business was bought by a new owner and renamed Ocean Front Restaurant. In 1948, Johnny Burroughs bought the eatery, and Ocean Front Grill was born. In 1954, Hurricane Hazel took out the boardwalk. The damage was so great that you could drive a Volkeswagon Bug under the building. The city had no money to rebuild the boardwalk, so we did it ourselves.
Ocean Front Grill became one of the many business ventures of this family who hails from Charlotte, NC. This restaurant with Peaches Corner has been run by family members continuously since 1948. The operation passed to Johnny’s daughter, Pam, then to her son, Russ Stalvey, who graduated from Wofford College and currently operates the business.
Johnny’s secret family chili recipe evolved with time and was passed through the generations. It is this delicious chili that makes our foot long hot dogs a favorite of many of our customers.
Our family is here to stay and has great plans to make us bigger and better. Our ocean view and breezes cannot be beat. What a great place to eat, drink, relax, and hang out with family and friends on the boardwalk! While some things may change and move on, the ocean and Ocean Front Bar & Grill are here to stay!